template<class T > |
bool | Urho3D::Equals (T lhs, T rhs) |
| Check whether two floating point values are equal within accuracy.
template<class T , class U > |
T | Urho3D::Lerp (T lhs, T rhs, U t) |
| Linear interpolation between two values.
template<class T > |
T | Urho3D::InverseLerp (T lhs, T rhs, T x) |
| Inverse linear interpolation between two values.
template<class T , class U > |
T | Urho3D::Min (T lhs, U rhs) |
| Return the smaller of two values.
template<class T , class U > |
T | Urho3D::Max (T lhs, U rhs) |
| Return the larger of two values.
template<class T > |
T | Urho3D::Abs (T value) |
| Return absolute value of a value.
template<class T > |
T | Urho3D::Sign (T value) |
| Return the sign of a float (-1, 0 or 1).
template<class T > |
T | Urho3D::ToRadians (const T degrees) |
| Convert degrees to radians.
template<class T > |
T | Urho3D::ToDegrees (const T radians) |
| Convert radians to degrees.
unsigned | Urho3D::FloatToRawIntBits (float value) |
| Return a representation of the specified floating-point value as a single format bit layout.
template<class T > |
bool | Urho3D::IsNaN (T value) |
| Check whether a floating point value is NaN.
template<class T > |
bool | Urho3D::IsInf (T value) |
| Check whether a floating point value is positive or negative infinity.
template<class T > |
T | Urho3D::Clamp (T value, T min, T max) |
| Clamp a number to a range.
template<class T > |
T | Urho3D::SmoothStep (T lhs, T rhs, T t) |
| Smoothly damp between values.
template<class T > |
T | Urho3D::Sin (T angle) |
| Return sine of an angle in degrees.
template<class T > |
T | Urho3D::Cos (T angle) |
| Return cosine of an angle in degrees.
template<class T > |
T | Urho3D::Tan (T angle) |
| Return tangent of an angle in degrees.
template<class T > |
T | Urho3D::Asin (T x) |
| Return arc sine in degrees.
template<class T > |
T | Urho3D::Acos (T x) |
| Return arc cosine in degrees.
template<class T > |
T | Urho3D::Atan (T x) |
| Return arc tangent in degrees.
template<class T > |
T | Urho3D::Atan2 (T y, T x) |
| Return arc tangent of y/x in degrees.
template<class T > |
T | Urho3D::Pow (T x, T y) |
| Return X in power Y.
template<class T > |
T | Urho3D::Ln (T x) |
| Return natural logarithm of X.
template<class T > |
T | Urho3D::Sqrt (T x) |
| Return square root of X.
template<class T , typename std::enable_if< std::is_floating_point< T >::value >::type * = nullptr> |
T | Urho3D::Mod (T x, T y) |
| Return remainder of X/Y for float values. More...
template<class T > |
T | Urho3D::AbsMod (T x, T y) |
| Return always positive remainder of X/Y.
template<class T > |
T | Urho3D::Fract (T value) |
| Return fractional part of passed value in range [0, 1).
template<class T > |
T | Urho3D::Floor (T x) |
| Round value down.
template<class T > |
int | Urho3D::FloorToInt (T x) |
| Round value down. Returns integer value.
template<class T > |
T | Urho3D::Round (T x) |
| Round value to nearest integer.
template<class Iterator > |
auto | Urho3D::Average (Iterator begin, Iterator end) -> typename std::decay< decltype(*begin)>::type |
| Compute average value of the range.
template<class T > |
int | Urho3D::RoundToInt (T x) |
| Round value to nearest integer.
template<class T > |
T | Urho3D::RoundToNearestMultiple (T x, T multiple) |
| Round value to nearest multiple.
template<class T > |
T | Urho3D::Ceil (T x) |
| Round value up.
template<class T > |
int | Urho3D::CeilToInt (T x) |
| Round value up.
bool | Urho3D::IsPowerOfTwo (unsigned value) |
| Check whether an unsigned integer is a power of two.
unsigned | Urho3D::NextPowerOfTwo (unsigned value) |
| Round up to next power of two.
unsigned | Urho3D::ClosestPowerOfTwo (unsigned value) |
| Round up or down to the closest power of two.
unsigned | Urho3D::LogBaseTwo (unsigned value) |
| Return log base two or the MSB position of the given value.
i32 | Urho3D::CountSetBits (u32 value) |
| Count the number of set bits in a mask.
constexpr hash32 | Urho3D::SDBMHash (hash32 hash, u8 c) |
| Update a hash with the given 8-bit value using the SDBM algorithm.
constexpr hash32 | Urho3D::SDBMHash (hash32 hash, byte b) |
| Update a hash with the given byte value using the SDBM algorithm.
float | Urho3D::Random () |
| Return a random float between 0.0 (inclusive) and 1.0 (exclusive).
float | Urho3D::Random (float range) |
| Return a random float between 0.0 and range, inclusive from both ends.
float | Urho3D::Random (float min, float max) |
| Return a random float between min and max, inclusive from both ends.
int | Urho3D::Random (int range) |
| Return a random integer between 0 and range - 1.
int | Urho3D::Random (int min, int max) |
| Return a random integer between min and max - 1.
float | Urho3D::RandomNormal (float meanValue, float variance) |
| Return a random normal distributed number with the given mean value and variance.
unsigned short | Urho3D::FloatToHalf (float value) |
| Convert float to half float. From https://gist.github.com/martinkallman/5049614.
float | Urho3D::HalfToFloat (unsigned short value) |
| Convert half float to float. From https://gist.github.com/martinkallman/5049614.
void | Urho3D::SinCos (float angle, float &sin, float &cos) |
| Calculate both sine and cosine, with angle in degrees.
constexpr float | Urho3D::M_PI = 3.14159265358979323846264338327950288f |
constexpr float | Urho3D::M_HALF_PI = M_PI * 0.5f |
constexpr i32 | Urho3D::M_MIN_INT = 0x80000000 |
constexpr i32 | Urho3D::M_MAX_INT = 0x7FFFFFFF |
constexpr u32 | Urho3D::M_MIN_UNSIGNED = 0x00000000 |
constexpr u32 | Urho3D::M_MAX_UNSIGNED = 0xFFFFFFFF |
constexpr i8 | Urho3D::M_MIN_I8 = (i8)0x80 |
constexpr i8 | Urho3D::M_MAX_I8 = 0x7F |
constexpr u8 | Urho3D::M_MIN_U8 = 0x00 |
constexpr u8 | Urho3D::M_MAX_U8 = 0xFF |
constexpr i16 | Urho3D::M_MIN_I16 = (i16)0x8000 |
constexpr i16 | Urho3D::M_MAX_I16 = 0x7FFF |
constexpr u16 | Urho3D::M_MIN_U16 = 0x0000 |
constexpr u16 | Urho3D::M_MAX_U16 = 0xFFFF |
constexpr i32 | Urho3D::M_MIN_I32 = (i32)0x80000000 |
constexpr i32 | Urho3D::M_MAX_I32 = 0x7FFFFFFF |
constexpr u32 | Urho3D::M_MIN_U32 = 0x00000000 |
constexpr u32 | Urho3D::M_MAX_U32 = 0xFFFFFFFF |
constexpr i64 | Urho3D::M_MIN_I64 = (i64)0x8000000000000000 |
constexpr i64 | Urho3D::M_MAX_I64 = 0x7FFFFFFFFFFFFFFF |
constexpr u64 | Urho3D::M_MIN_U64 = 0x0000000000000000 |
constexpr u64 | Urho3D::M_MAX_U64 = 0xFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF |
constexpr i16 | Urho3D::M_I16_MASK_ALL_BITS = (i16)0xFFFF |
constexpr u16 | Urho3D::M_U16_MASK_ALL_BITS = 0xFFFF |
constexpr i32 | Urho3D::M_I32_MASK_ALL_BITS = (i32)0xFFFFFFFF |
constexpr u32 | Urho3D::M_U32_MASK_ALL_BITS = 0xFFFFFFFF |
constexpr float | Urho3D::M_EPSILON = 0.000001f |
constexpr float | Urho3D::M_LARGE_EPSILON = 0.00005f |
constexpr float | Urho3D::M_MIN_NEARCLIP = 0.01f |
constexpr float | Urho3D::M_MAX_FOV = 160.0f |
constexpr float | Urho3D::M_LARGE_VALUE = 100000000.0f |
constexpr float | Urho3D::M_INFINITY = std::numeric_limits<float>::infinity() |
constexpr float | Urho3D::M_DEGTORAD = M_PI / 180.0f |
constexpr float | Urho3D::M_DEGTORAD_2 = M_PI / 360.0f |
constexpr float | Urho3D::M_RADTODEG = 1.0f / M_DEGTORAD |